He’s Dead? Fine, But Where’s My Date?


I can’t exactly remember how this dream started, but I was with my mom’s side of the family. Probably because Christmas is coming…

So I’m aside, talking to all the girl cousins. We decide to hit up a party (we’re in Australia by the way) and everyone brings their boyfriends (except me, single and ready to mingle!!! ha ha ha).

AAaaanyway. It’s almost like we’re at a frat house party. There are people EVERYWHERE. There’s quite a few people I recognize from Broome, I’m waiting on a guy (mystery man, ooohhh) and a few cousins arrive with their boyfriends. Not their partners in waking life, but Aussie guys I only recognize in dream life. I don’t think I’ve seen these guys ever. They’re talking about heading out to another party, I lag behind waiting on my date. He shows up, we flirt a bit then he leaves, saying he’ll be back. He doesn’t return.

I decide to leave and follow the group and BOOM! we’re at the Wisconsin farmhouse, but instead of the runway behind the house there’s the river where people are hunting ducks and sending their dogs after them. They swim in and grab these ducks but they’re still alive and fly away. That is, of course, until a hunter send his pelican to scoop up the flying birds!!! It’s at this point that everyone goes back to the party.

Now, everyone is there including my Aunts and Uncles. One of the cousins is without her boyfriend, and I figure out why. A friend, a real-life friend, let’s call him Jared, confesses that he RAN OVER AND KILLED MY COUSIN’S BOYFRIEND! This cousin is dating this guy in real-life, which makes it really strange, they’re the only relationship in this dream that’s actually real.

Jared says it’s an accident and that she knows. I go up to her and she’s handling it well, but decides to leave the party. It’s then that we all start talking about the whole ordeal, and we suddenly remember that she’s pregnant! How is she going to deal with this alone?

I’m kind of wandering around the party at this point, searching for my flaky mystery hunk. I see my sister talking to her date who happens to be mystery man’s co-worker then I see cousin Liz with her date who is mystery man’s brother. I’m basically seeing every person that’s connected to/reminds me of this jerk and it makes me so angry but so sad at the same time that I go on this emotional rampage with a super dramatic storm-off. I wake up as I slam the door.

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