Scooting in the Rain to a Wedding


In my waking life, I’ve been giving horse riding lessons/training and just got my scooter fixed, pretty sure that’s why the two played a part.

So in this dream I’m outside a big white old-fashioned barn. The ones with big hay lofts up top and a bunch of stalls at the bottom. It’s cloudy out and the ground is a little mucky but there’s a few of us getting ready to ride. I pull out my horse and try to tie it’s halter around it’s neck but I can’t seem to get it’s nose in the hole, then I get the nose in and it’s not tying behind it’s ears correctly, then it’s upside down. I can’t seem to complete the activity of putting this damn halter on when a childhood friend comes up the driveway.

I push the horse aside, giving up when this old friend says “Hi, it’s been so long” blah blah blah”. She starts explaining that she’s started a new store, would I like to see some of her items? We go inside and I have a look, it’s a bunch of wood and metal statues, shelves, vases…just a really cool vintage looking shop. I have a look around and go to leave, telling her I’ll stop by again soon.

I jump on my scooter and start to ride up the road and it starts raining, then my keys fall out of the scooter and I putter to a stop right in front of this farm. I apologize, feeling like an ass while I put my scooter on it’s stand to grab the keys that fell when the stand just falls apart to a million pieces and the scooter falls over.

I look up and realize where I am, it’s at a guy I used to date’s family farm. I go inside and see people I recognize, asking to use the phone, get a ride, something. I realize I’m interrupting his wedding! All his family is there looking all nice when all the sudden I’m in this really nice outfit looking fine as hell! The sun is shining, it’s all green and lush outside…a perfect day.

I try and skirt around everyone because I’m pretty embarrassed to be there, I’m almost positive I wasn’t invited! He doesn’t notice me at all to the last minute when I run looking like a creep into the bathroom and start panicking that he saw me, he must think I’m such a weirdo!

I come out and start talking to his mom, saying this is a great party and that it really seems like a perfect wedding for him. She agreed, pointing out back saying something like, “I don’t know how happy she is, look he’s already with the boys in the game room.”, I look outside to a small building that has a party raving inside. I wake up.

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